Jonathan Glazer? who the fuckĀ is Jonathan Glazer? I can hear you say. . .
but you see, you all know Glazer in a way, you know his work without even realizing it.
okay, let’s try again:
# you know that Radiohead video when Yorke is floating at the end? the one for that haunting song, yeah! the black and white, yeah!
# you know that Jamiroquai video when the floor is moving? the one with the big Madagascar cockroaches, mmm-hmmm!
# you know that Massive Attack video that kinda looks like something out of The Shining?
# you know that Blur video that kinda looks like A Clockwork Orange?
# you know that U.N.K.L.E. video with that actor from that Stella Artois commercial and that french movie where he plays the accordion version of that song from RL Burnside?
# you know that Nick Cave video where everybody kinda cries? no? okay…that one is not that well known. Cave hates does not like it. you know why? he almost said that is better than the song and it does not let you concentrate on the song, you see.
# you know that Richard Ashcroft video when he. . .well, just hangs around in his hotel room?
#you know that commercial for Guinness with that guy . . .and those squirrels. . .and the horses and dogs and. . .no? take a look:
# you know that commercial for Stella Artois, the one with the priests, that kinda looks like some Mario Giacomelli photos?
# you know that commercial for VW when they make themselves small?
# you know that other commercial for Guinness with the surfer? you know, the one with those Moby Dick references – ah?
# you know that commercial for Levi’s with that girl and that boy running through walls?
# you know those commercials for Barclays with Samuel “Bad Mother Fucker” L. Jackson? ~ 40 seconds each, but man!!! . . .here’s my favorite:
I could go on and on. what’s the rumpus?
well, Glazer directed them all. and that’s not just it. besides all the great videos and brilliant commercials, he also directed about three feature movies.
the first one it’s ballsy, it’s very male like, it’s like it has hair on its chest and it’s called “Sexy Beast“-2000.
the second one is quite delicate, it’s fragile, it’s (and ladies, don’t get me wrong) more female like and it’s called “Birth“-2004.
and the third one, the third one it’s called “Under the Skin“- 2013 and I just found out about it and I intend to see it a.s.a.p. (as smoothly as (a) pachyderm). I do not expect anything (although I’ve already read a couple of things about it).
so, as I told you, you already know Jonathan Glazer. he is one of the few (not so) young directors (amongst Michel Gondry, Chris Cunningham, Mark Romanek, Anton Corbjin, Stephane Sednaoui etc) that started out with video clips and commercials and then made their way up to the big screen.