“he took their picture every day posing them carefully and stepping back to frame the picture, while they flashed him the brightest of smiles, but he never had film in the camera and the Gypsy girls never saw a single shot of themselves, and still they had their picture taken every day and looked forward to the results like Christians to heaven”
Bohumil Hrabal – Too loud a solitude
What you do speaks so loudly that I cannot hear what you say.
Ralph Waldo Emerson
August: Osage County

still from August: Osage County
” Beverly Weston: Life is very long. T.S. Eliot. Not the first person to say it, certainly not the first person to think it, but absolutely god damn right. “
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“Enclosure, upon its completion, was the record which represented the achievement of all the musical goals I had been aiming at for the previous 5 years.
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All changes, even the most longed for, have their melancholy; for what we leave behind is part of ourselves; we must die to one life before we can enter into another.
Anatole France
Objects exist and if one pays more attention to them than to people, it is precisely because they exist more than the people. Dead objects are still alive. Living people are often already dead.
Jean-Luc Godard
Josef Koudelka

Czehoslovakia. 1968. Prague.
later edit: ziua cu pricina (6 martie) a venit si a trecut de ceva vreme (nu am avut ocazia pana acum sa adaug mica asta precizare). nenea Josef nu a reusit sa fie prezent la vernisajul expozitiei. cu toate astea si dincolo de dezamagirea generala, expozitia asta este de departe cel mai important eveniment fotografic de care a avut parte Timisoara in ultimii . . . de care a avut parte Timisoara.
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The Work of Jonathan Glazer

Jonathan Glazer? who the fuck is Jonathan Glazer?
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There are all kinds of love in this world, but never the same love twice.
F. Scott Fitzgerald

Chalmers Butterfield. Shaftsbury Ave from Picadilly Circus, London. 1949
Kodachrome is a brand name for a non-substantive, color reversal film introduced by Eastman Kodak in 1935.
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